Friday, July 31, 2009

Through the cracks, Your love flows...

I've been thinking about broken hearts a lot lately.
No worries, this shouldn't be a sappy post but just a few things that I've been thinking about lately.
I heard a family member speak about a death in their family almost a year ago at a conference. It was a tragic loss of a child in their family and it was a very heartbreaking accident.
But she was talking about how so many people were trying to help minister to their family, through books, prayer and encouraging words but she knew none of that would ever repair their broken hearts over their loss.
And she said something that has been in the back of my brain and heart for a year now.
She was referring to the analogy of God pouring His love into our lives and then our hearts having an overflow of love onto the people around us.
And she was talking about how her heart was broken and shattered into a million pieces because of the tragedy that had taken place.
And although she had allowed God to set the pieces back together, her heart would never be in the same condition ever again. 
And how she now understood a very painful truth. 
God's love pours more freely onto the people around us through our cracks in our broken hearts.
I believe that God will piece our hearts back together but sometimes the cracks need to be open to keep the grace fresh on our minds and to allow the love to spill over. 
So here's to allowing our broken patched up hearts spill over the love of our Father to those around us.  
And treasure your bruises and your patched up hearts. 
Because they are a constant reminder to how great our Father is.
Thank you Jesus for the cranks in my heart, for your children and for your orphans.


And now to totally switch gears, I'm leaving for Seattle in less than 6 hours!
My family bought me tickets to fly back to the States for 2 weeks. 
My little sister is having a baby girl and I get to fly back to visit my family and to meet my new little niece, Ms Millie Opal.
So I may be out of the blogging world for a few weeks but I'll do my best to post some pictures once I get back to the states.
I CANNOT wait to be back with my crazy family and to add another crazy woman to the family.
In the Adams Family you can never have to many woman.

And thank you so much readers for being so supportive and encouraging to me over the past 5 months! You guys are such a blessing to my life and I don't think you will ever understand how much God has used you in my life through your prayers and encouraging words! 
I genuinely and honestly, love every single one of you!

1 comment:

  1. Have a safe and wonderful journey to Seattle. I hope you will get a sense of renewal while being around your loved ones. I also pray that you would be filled so that when you return to China you will be able to fully pour out God's love onto those beautiful babies. God Bless and have fun.
