Friday, April 17, 2009


Here are some pictures from my Easter with the kids. 
We got to take 40 of the older kids out for brunch, an Easter egg hunt, and then we returned back to the orphanage to color eggs.

A friend going over the Easter story with the kids in the park. We had the Resurection Eggs to go through the story with and the kids loved it. All of the kids wanted to open an egg.

For those of you that aren't familiar with the Resurrection Eggs ( I wasn't either ) they are 12 eggs in a plastic egg carton that walk through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Each egg has an item inside that symbolizes a part of the story. In this picture one of the boys got to open the last egg. Which was empty, because Christ didn't stayed buried. His face was priceless when he opened this egg.

See I told you, priceless.

Julee and hanging out with some of the girls in the shade. We all sat there for about 15 minutes until a park landscaper told us that the grass wasn't meant to be sat on or walked on. We were suppose to only admire the grass from a distance. Which made me laugh really hard.

Tom with his finished product. We boiled over 200+ eggs for the kids to boil so they had a blast coloring eggs.

All of the kids kept bringing their eggs up to us to show us. So we made a display table in the center of the room to show off the kids talent. They were awesome at painting eggs. 

My Easter egg that I colored for my momma. I was going to send it to her in the mail but I decided after 2 weeks in a box it might not be considered a gift anymore. Just a smelly mess. So I took a picture instead. 

What's Easter without an arm wrestling contest? 

Friends bought all of the kids Easter presents and books. The kids loved all of their special gifts and books. The books were also talking about the reason we celebrate Easter so it was awesome to see the kids reading their books all day.

If you are my friend on facebook I have a lot more pictures on there of our Easter. But I wanted to make sure that I posted some on the blog as well. 
Thank you so much for being a part of my journey in China. For those of you that have helped me with financial or prayer support I couldn't say thank you enough. Without your willingness to give or to pray none of this would be a reality for me. 
I love each and everyone of you and I love each and every one of these kids.
Thank you again for you faithfulness. 
Love, Chrissy

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