Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well thank you to everyone that has been praying for our babies about their surgeries.
Unfortunately none of our babies were operated on. All of them caught a cold/sinus infection that's been going around the Starfish home for a few days now. And since they were sick, the doctors didn't feel comfortable to operate on any of them. This is a common problem with arranging surgeries for our children, in a home of 28 babies sickness is almost always affecting our home. If they have runny noses or coughs, they won't be operated on. So thank you for your prayers regardless.

So I thought I would pick back up on writing about one of my precious babies:
Everyone meet Clara....

Clara is 13 months old and she is adorable. 2 random facts about Clara
1. She is the most flexible child/baby I have ever met. Seriously, she is always seen laying on the floor with her feet above her head.
2. She has one of the best giggles you will ever hear. It's more than a giggle, it's a deep belly laugh that makes you want to tickle her all day so you can hear it all day long.

Julee and I always joke around about our little Clara having a Hispanic father somewhere in China. She has the thickest, dark brown hair and her hair is the envy of every little baby girl in this foster home. Clara has already had her cleft repair surgery this past June and her lip has healed up beautifully with minimal scarring.

Clara plays hard but when this baby crashes for a nap, she crashes hard. And yes that's drool on my shirt. I love her anyways.
It's so funny to learn all of these babies individual personalities. Clara is definitely an independent thinker and she marches to the beat of her own drum.
She's also often seen throwing towels over her own head playing a game of peek-a-boo by herself.
She a doll and she keeps us constantly laughing.

As for ways to pray: there is a really bad cold/sinus infection going around the home and it has a lot of the babies very sick. Please pray for the Starfish foster home as a whole. That we would have healthy babies and healthy nannies.

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