Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I've sat down to write in my blog probably 15 times these past few days. But every time I sit down to write I find myself at loss for words. My goal with keeping this blog is to encourage the loved ones and friends that I left behind and to keep everyone updated on my life in China. But I also wanted to use this as a tool to reflect transparency on my adventures of living in China. I think we all want to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. We desire to have a role in a story that is so much bigger than what we can comprehend. Often when I use to think about moving to China I now see that I had this "romantic" idea of what would take place and how my life would be. I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself in moving to this country. This was the year of my life when I devoted my everything to being a vessel for God through a year of service. 

As with anything in life (or at least mine) nothing is ever the way I had it pictured. China was nothing like I had thought it was going to be. Most of the time when God tries to teach me something I drag my feet along most of the way until I finally trip and fall on my face. God started asking me this question, "What if you don't have a role to play in a big story? What if your name is never remembered? What if you moved all the way over to China and didn't have a single impact on a single child's life? Would you still be content? Would you be willing to live a life of loving worship to Me? Would you be content in living a life that was strictly worshipping the Creator of the universe and not having a role in any other story than that?"

These seem like silly questions to struggle with but I honestly found myself questioning my motives and my heart. The truth is I wasn't desiring that kind of relationship with the Creator at first..... I wanted to love God with everything that was in me while being part of a bigger story. But God wanted to bring me to a place where even if I accomplished nothing of any importance while I was here on this earth, could I be content with just loving Him with my whole heart, my life and my entire being? 

This is what I want my love to look like to my Creator. Even if I accomplish nothing while I'm on this earth, I want to be able to meet Him at the end of my life being able to say I just wanted You. 

Honestly I can say that I'm not at this point in my faith but it's what I desire..... 


  1. I love this Chrissy. You're such an inspiration. I love you! -- Aimee

  2. Ni hao, friend! You are just getting started! And praise God for so many questions so quickly. I'm so excited for your journey. Watch with expectation for all the ways God will pursue you in relationship with Him. He's constant and faithful and you'll soon figure out that being a part of HIS story is the biggest one possible. Praying for you!

  3. That is a great attitude. :) I will continue to pray for you.

  4. Thanks, Chrissy, wonderful post!!

  5. Chrissy Darling
    I love you very much!! I love how you can be so honest and raw with us readers, it is such a great testimony!! I am proud of you and I can't wait to read more of your amazing experience!!

  6. This post makes me look deeper within myself and now I wonder how I will answer that question. Thanks for giving me thoughts to ponder and ways to pursue that intimate relationship w/ God.

  7. Thanks for sharing this. Pretty much a big kick in the face for me. :) You're doing great things, and it's great that you've realized the attitude needed to truly serve with a pure heart.

  8. I'm with Jessica; I love this. You boiled it right down to a kernel.
